quarta-feira, junho 14, 2006


Weird America #1

Dear Abby,
I have reason to believe that a young man in my family may be gay. (He is 15.) I have been thinking a lot about it lately, and I have been wondering if circumcision would cure it. What do you think?

Grandmother in Missouri

Dear Missouri grandmother,
Homosexuality is not an illness, and therefore there is no need for a “cure”. I predict that your family will be happier if you accept your relative exactly the way he is, love him, and stop trying to think of ways to cure him.
P.S. Circumcision is a sacred rite of the Jewish religion. If your theory were valid, then there would be no Jewish homosexuals. And yet, among the successful, gay, Jewish men who are “out” are Harvey Fierstein, Michael Fienstein, Barney Frank, Isaac Mizrahi and David Geffen ─ to name a few.

Jeanne Phillips
Dear Abby

Dear Abby is written by Jeanne Phillips, daughter of the original Abigail Van Buren, aka Pauline Phillips.

In: Centre Daily Times, Weekender. June 9-15, 2006.

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